Well it as been about ten days since I have updated the blog. I apologize to anyone who is reading the blog. Please understand from 7:15ish when I wake up until 10:30ish when I get to bed I am constantly busy. Whether it is in school with the guys, in meetings, trainings, cooking meals for the house, or working, I am constantly busy. My goal was to update the blog a couple times a week, but that was before I arrived at Heartlight and started working. In reality now, I think once a week is good, for there is stuff that I want to share as far as God working on these kids but I can't do to confidentiality. That is where the power of prayer comes into play! Don't stop praying-for the residents-for the staff-for me-and for Heartlight.
My days off are noramlly Friday through Sunday, but this week they are Monday through Wednesday, meaning I will work 9 days straight starting tomorrow until next Friday. It is nice for a change, because the weekends are relaxing and filled with fun activities and different events, but I am excited about going with the guys to church on Sunday! As refreshing as the change is, I won't lie it is awesome having the weekends off to chill and watch football. I think that out of all the weekends off that this is the weekend I would like to have off the most so far. There area a group of guys going to a lake in Arkansas to camp. I was asked, "Paul, do you camp?" My reaction, "Ummmm-yeaaa!" I was quick to describe my Eno, what it was, and am letting them borrow it. They had never heard of an Eno!!!
A group of about seven or so of us went to lunch today to a place called Beth's Cafe. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! The inside reminded me of Al la carte in Cleveland, but the food reminds me of a place you'll see on Diners-Drive In's- and Dive's. It was homemade food. The first "homecooked" meal I've had in six weeks or so now. Just sitting around and talking to the people reminded me so much of supper club and hanging out with friends in Clarksdale and Cleveland. A sense of peace and calm hit me that this is home for at least the next year, that these people are more than co-workers, they are family. As cliche as that sounds, it is true! For they didn't have to invite me to eat with them, but they knew I was off so they did! God has put me in Texas for a reason. As unsure of what that reason is when I took the job, I know I am going to be ok. I am working eeryday just as the kids are to 'win the day' to get better and become a stronger person.
Last Wednesday, I gave my testimony during Bible study. It was one of the most nerve racking moments of my life I have to say. Why you ask? Imagine it, sitting in front of a room of residents whom you are supposed to be there to help guide, lead, and basically be a mentor for to and through their problems. At this point you are no longer their housing staff, you are equal to them: admitting to them your struggles through life, your up's and down's, high's and low's, and battles you have faced and continue to face daily. It is not an easy thing to do. once I began to speak the words just came out. I was talking yes, but thinking back on it I honestly do not know if I was in control of what I said. Closing the bible study, I used a verse that has helped me multiple times: Ephesians 2:4-10. For any of you that know me, know my struggles, battles and basically know my testimony. I honestly feel admitting my past and present guilts to the residents, I am now more connectible to them. I am more than the new staff but they can now see me as someone that wants to and is willing to help.
As of this morning, I am officially done with my training and all that lacks now is a meeting with Blake and or Corry as far as an overview of the training and I will be officailly fully trained!!!